Call Us Today! 877-272-5425 |
Store Address: 253 Pleasant St, Worcester, MA 01609

Systems Contractor License Number 7081C

Systems Technician License Number 10244D


Security Systems Monitoring

Digital Monitoring

At GAZIS we enhance your level of security by having your security system monitored 24/7. Monitoring your security system instantly alerts the Central Station in the event of an emergency or threatening situation such as:

  • Fire
  • Carbon Monoxide
  • Burglary
  • Medical Alert
  • Water Leak
  • Gas Leak
  • Temperature Changes

Internet Monitoring

Our company contracts with National Monitoring Centers (NMC) – a center with dual locations for always on service that provides up to date technology using any of the following pathways:

  • Radio/Cellular
  • TCP (transmission control protocol)/IP (internet protocol)
  • POTS (plain old telephone service)

RF/Cellular Monitoring

The radio/cellular option has begun to increasingly replace older technology.  GAZIS has many wireless solutions to provide you with an effective backup to traditional telephone line communication. We sell, service, and Install Alula and 5G Interactive Radios which enhance your experience even further when installed in coordination with your security system (must have a DSC 5010 v2.0 or higher security system).  The Alula radio provides interaction with your security system from anywhere in the world.  Arm and disarm the system for anyone you would like to have access to your home when you’re not there at the push of a button on your smartphone, tablet, or desktop or via the customer webportal, – using the same log-in information as the mobile app. The Alula & radios include Complete Interactive Residential, Direct Alarm Transportation, Remote Arm/Disarm, Push Notifications to smartphones or tablets, Panel Offline Supervision, Panel Sabotage Protection, Alerts, Zone Status, and Event History.

If you would like to use your TCP/IP router to connect to the central station you can, with high-speed connectivity becoming more and more common in homes and businesses, your alarm system has a secure way to communicate with the Central Station.  By utilizing your high-speed internet connection, your alarm system will alert the Central Station instantaneously in the event of an emergency, just as it would if it were dialing in over a phone line, but with the speed of the internet and the security of a supervised secure connection.  

Using a POTS line to connect your security system to the monitoring station requires a service call, however, if you were previously monitored by us and you have the same landline phone number as when you were monitored with us previously, you can simply call us at 508.756.7171 and GAZIS can have you monitored in very little time and in most cases without a service call and the charge associated with it.  Be sure to let your insurance company know that you have a monitored security system. GAZIS will provide a Certificate of Monitoring to you for presentation to your insurance company as proof of monitoring to help you ensure a discount.