Years experience
We Install and Support only the best Security Technology
You’re part of our community, and we want you to be safe – at home, and at work.That’s why we carry the most trusted alarm systems and security products on the market.
- Commercial and Home Security Solutions
- Security Monitoring Systems
- Low Voltage Fire Systems
- Security Cameras
- Central Vacuum Systems
Stay Safe, Buy Local
We keep your information safe and secure, just like your property. We’re a local company with strong ties to our community.
Get Awesome Service
We’re dedicated to making you feel secure and taken care of. We pride ourselves on attentive service and attention to detail.
High Tech, Still Human
We have the very latest technology to share with you. Yet we haven’t lost track of the most important element: the human touch!
Come Chat With Us
Security systems can be easier to understand with a hands-on approach. Come visit with us at our store, and we’ll show you the ropes.
Feel More Secure with 24/7/365 Monitoring
We specialize in the sales, installation and service of integrated security and alarm systems. Count on us, with over 30 years of experience customizing security, fire, and security camera systems to specific client needs and budgets.